Leaders of white supremacist group charged for urging terrorism against Jews and other targets


The Justice Department has charged leaders of a transnational white supremacist terror group with urging their followers to commit terror attacks against Jews and other minority groups.

One of their proposed targets allegedly included a Jewish senator.

The charges announced Monday against Dallas Humber, 34,of Elk Grove California, and Matthew Allison, 37, of Boise, Idaho include “soliciting hate crimes, soliciting the murder of federal officials, and conspiring to provide material support to terrorists,” according to a statement from the department. If convicted, they each face a maximum penalty of 220 years in prison. The case was investigated by the FBI.

According to the indictment, in 2022 Humber and Allison became leaders of the Terrorgram Collective — a network on the social media platform Telegram that promotes white supremacy, terrorism, the collapse of the government and the rise of a white ethnostate.

The indictment alleges that Humber and Allison used Telegram, a platform with few restrictions that is popular with extremists, to solicit users to commit hate crimes. They posted instructions for writing white supremacist manifestos; demonstrated how to build bombs, firearms, detonators and chemical weapons; and  provided guidance on how to commit an attack, at times without getting caught.

Humber and Allison also provided a hit list of “high-value” targets for assassination, including one described as an “Anti-White, Anti-gun, Jewish Senator.” The indictment refers to the senator, who is not named, as “Federal Official 1.”

The indictment says Terrorgram detailed the targets’ names, residences, and photographs, as well as photographs of their residences if available.

“Hate crimes fueled by bigotry and white supremacy, and amplified by the weaponization of digital messaging platforms, are on the rise and have no place in our society,” Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division said in a statement.

The indictment mentions three attacks associated with Terrorgram, including a 2022 shooting outside an LGBTQ+ bar in Bratislava Slovakia, where two people were killed. In the attacker’s suicide note, he referred to a “path of struggle against the jewish enemies and their collaborators,” and in his 65-page manifesto, he claimed Jewish people “organize and spearhead everything related to ‘LGBT rights’.”

Humber and Allison took credit for the attack on behalf of Terrorgram, and celebrated the Bratislava attacker as the group’s first “saint,” or celebrated figure who committed an attack in furtherance of the group’s white supremacist agenda, according to the indictment.

The indictment says that in 2023, Humber used an acronym signifying a common white supremacist conspiracy theory, that the “Zionist Occupied Government” was behind Pride Month, which she referred to using an anti-LGBTQ slur.

“Well lads, it’s officially f— month,” she posted on Telegram. “ZOG’s f— agenda and their sick, systematic abuse of White children isn’t slowing down. It won’t stop until YOU stop it.”

“We’re thankful that [the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Northern District of California] has indicted leaders of Terrorgram Collective – a terrorism-supporting white supremacist group – for soliciting murder and hate crimes,” the Anti-Defamation League said in a statement on X. “Taking down Terrorgram can help reduce mass shootings and other acts of extreme violence.”

Other attacks claimed or celebrated by Terrorgram, according to the indictment, include a planned attack on energy facilities in New Jersey and an 18-year-old who, weeks ago, filmed himself stabbing five people near a mosque in Turkey. He had indicated a desire to be recognized as a “saint” — but Humber refused.

In a post on Telegram, she wrote, “But he’s not White so I can’t give him an honorary title. We still celebrating his attack tho, he did it for Terrorgram.”

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