For Klal Yisrael
Who has lost its way
Who has succumbed to bad influences
For that we cry
For the victims of abuse
Who are hurt at home or elsewhere
Who aren’t helped or taken seriously
For them we cry
For the women
Who are reduced to objects
Who have their faces erased and their voices silenced
For them we cry
For the women with talents and strengths
Who want to serve the Klal and promote halacha
But who are met with resistance from the Klal
For them we cry
For the Baalei Teshuvah and Geirim
Who are finding their truth
But who are marginalized
For them we cry
For Jews of different colors
Who just want to keep Torah and Mitzvot
But who are questioned for it
For them we cry
For Jews who are struggling with money
Who want to provide yeshiva education
Who suffer with high tuition and crushing debts
For them we cry
For Jews who want to go Home
Who face crushing and very real obstacles
But who are dismissed as lazy or naive
For them we cry
For Jews who leave Torah
Who can’t take the hypocrisy
Who want to feel safe
For them we cry
For Jews who leave Torah
Who think it’s not true
Who want only truth but haven’t found it
For them we cry
For the abusers in our midst
Who make these terrible things happen
Who corrupt Torah and twist it to suit them
For them we cry
For those Jews who stand by
Who allow the abuses to happen
Who don’t protest for whatever reason
For them we cry
For the Gedolim, men and women, who have passed
Who might have fought this
Whose souls are crying over this
For them we cry
For those who are aware
Who write, speak, and raise awareness
Whom others try to silence
For them we hope
For those who understand
Who take the obstacles seriously
Who try to help for real
For them we hope
For those who spread the light of Torah
Who reach out to others
Who set the example
For them we hope
May we all come together and bring Moshiach speedily in our days
Meira E. Schneider-Atik is a Torah-Observant Jew, wife, Ima, wardrobe stylist/personal shopper, & jewelry maker. She is also a writer/blogger who writes mostly about clothes & accessories but who also writes about other issues involving Tzniut & women. Her heart is in Eretz Yisrael but for now, she lives with her family in Queens, NY.
Posts are contributed by third parties. The opinions and facts in them are presented solely by the authors and JOFA assumes no responsibility for them.
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