Gal Gadot said to violate quarantine, Hadassah tests plasma treatment, Sephardic moms collect diapers

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TODAY at 6 p.m.: Join The Jewish Week and UJA-Federation of New York for “On the Trail of Kafka’s Literary Afterlife with Benjamin Balint.” Balint, winner of the 2020 Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature for his book “Kafka’s Last Trial: The Case of a Literary Legacy,” will be in conversation  with Sandee Brawarsky, culture editor of The Jewish Week. The event is free but you must register here

A small number of Jewish camps in this country that are remaining open this summer despite the Covid-19 pandemic are having no problem finding interested campers, JTA reports. The article cites Camp Modin, in rural Maine – owner Howard Salzberg and his wife, Lisa, say they are dealing with a deluge of interest from parents.

This year, the camp received some 600 applications, twice as many as the year before.  Modin gave priority to returning families, and did not admit any new campers above seventh grade. In the younger age groups, only 5-10 percent of campers will be new.

Dig deeper:Summer Camp This Year Will Be One Long Rainy Day” — The Jewish Week examines the dilemma for summer camps that are closed but hope to connect with campers and families online.

Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem has become the first in the world to test a passive vaccine treatment for Covid-19 by administering Immunoglobulin G (IgG), the hospital has announced. Two months ago, Hadassah began collecting plasma rich with antibodies from recovered coronavirus patients, with the aim of producing a treatment for severely ill patients.

The plasmas collected from the recoverees were processed by the Kamada biopharmaceutical company at Kibbutz Beit Kama in the Negev for an IgG-based antibody treatment for corona patients in severe conditions. Kamada, which develops and manufactures plasma-based drugs, has completed the production of the first dose of human plasma-based corona treatment, a move that has sparked widespread international interest.

Representing approximately 75% of serum antibodies in humans, IgG is the most common type of antibody found in blood circulation.

Members of UJA-Federation’s Young Sephardic Division have formed a Young Sephardic Women Diaper Drive Committee, collecting and distributing baby supplies for families hit hard by the coronavirus epidemic. The two-week drive, held largely through a #UJAmoms4moms Instagram campaign, collected 110,000 diapers, 1,800 packs of wipes, as well as baby teethers, toys, bibs and other items to be distributed by Met Council and the Edith and Carl Marks Jewish Community House of Bensonhurst.


Israeli actress and model Gal Gadot violated national quarantine guidelines, Israel Hayom reports. The “Wonder Woman” star flew into Israel June 12 but instead of entering compulsory quarantine, her family rented a villa with a pool and hosted visitors.

While Gadot and the family members tested negative for the coronavirus, they were still required to enter quarantine according to the guidelines. Violators are subject to fines or prison time. Representatives for Gadot were approached by Israel Hayom, but refused to comment on the report.


Lenora Garfinkel, an architect who built Jewish community buildings across the New York metropolitan area over the course of a career spanning more than six decades, has died at 89 of Covid-19, JTA reports. Within a week, her son Efraim died of the disease, followed days later by his own son Doniel.

Lenora Garfinkel was born in the Bronx. After graduating high school, she wanted to attend Cooper Union but was told that the entrance exam was on Shabbat, when traditionally observant Jews are barred from writing. After attending Hunter College for a year, she reapplied and demanded a test on another day.

Her designs included the massive Viznitz Hasidic synagogue in Kaser, N.Y., the Atrium wedding venue in Monsey, and multiple schools and ritual bath houses.


The United with Israel organization will sponsor an interactive webinar with Rabbinic Director Ari Emkin, Yearning for Zion: From Biblical Prophets to Modern-day Zionists, on Thursday at 10 a.m.

The Boro Park Community Council will host a webinar series entitled Moving Forward: From Pandemic to Resolve. The schedule: June 29, 3 p.m., “Preparing to Rejoin the Workforce”; June 30, 3 p.m., “How to Survive an Economic Crisis.”

The Union for Reform Judaism has announced the establishment of RJ on the Go, an “interactive platform for families seeking Jewish meaning, purpose, and joy this summer.” Its activities will include Jewish Life in Your Family Life (Ages 5-12), and URJ Camps’ Virtual Experiences (Camp-age Youth).

URJ will also offer “Jewish Music All Summer Long with Campfire-Style Concerts.”

The Brooklyn Jewish Historical Initiative will feature a performance by clarinet virtuoso Michael Winograd on Thursday at 7:30 p.m.

Israel Story, a popular podcast that tells “extraordinary stories about regular people living in Israel,” has announced its fifth season, which starts on June 30. The podcasts will include a Covid-19 miniseries called “Alone, Together.”
