It is both surprising and shocking that a man of Gary Rosenblatt’s stature, education and intellectualism should have such beliefs in a widely spread canard by the PLO/PA entity.
Israel is neither an “occupier” nor does it have “settlements “in the West Bank, or formerly in Gaza (“Israel’s Land Grab,” Sept. 12).
Contrary to common belief, Israel’s legal foundation under international law derives not from the 1947 partition resolution, which was merely a non-binding recommendation, but rather from the San Remo Resolution of 1920, which did have the force of law. During recent times, Eugene Kontorovich of Northwestern University, an expert in international law, has spoken and written extensively on the subject of the League of Nation Mandates as applicable to Palestine and modern Israel.
An understanding of international law and UN Resolutions manifests itself in the truth concerning the subject matters. Israel’s Levy Report follows closely on the work of Professor Kontorovich. Over the years, numerous historians, academics and politicians have voiced similar opinions on this topic, probably the most noteworthy being Professor Howard Grief. However, the PLO propaganda has undoubtedly demonstrated superiority over truth.
Ashkelon, Israel
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