Elsewhere: Rescue effort or war crime?, Lev Tahor’s ‘nueva vida,’ frustrated with ‘Fiddler’

JTA rounds up noteworthy items from the Web.


Rescue effort or war crime?: Some Israeli NGOs claim the IDF operation in pursuit of the missing teens is collective punishment, but legal experts aren’t so sure. (Times of Israel)

Lev Tahor’s ‘nueva vida’: After fleeing Canada, where child protection officials were investigating them, members of the haredi Orthodox sect Lev Tahor are starting anew in a lakeside region in Guatemala. (National Post)

Frustrated with ‘Fiddler’: Ruth Wisse explains why she has never liked the classic musical now celebrating its 50th anniversary. (Mosaic)

From kibbutz to Catholic school: A Jewish husband and wife who met in Israel are honored for their years of service to the elite Catholic school where they both teach and run extracurricular programs. (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)


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