
EST 1917

Craigslist Shabbat dinner attendee tells all

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“Seven Single White Jewish Males Looking to Host Seven Single Females for Shabbat Dinner,” read the headline of the Craigslist ad.

Only 11 walked out to tell the tale.

Now Sarah Barness — a female attendee of the notorious Craigslist Shabbat dinner ad that went viral — tells all on DC’s GathertheJews Blog:

We talk about our backgrounds, how we found the ad (none of us had originally seen it on Craigslist), best case scenario for the night (this), worst case scenario (chopped up in a closet), and laugh and laugh.  Pass the Manischewitz please. 

Spoiler alert: there were three no-shows, so no fatalities.

A promising development for the seven daring dudes, who reportedly didn’t score a date in round one.

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