Bright Future For Lincoln Square


In “Lincoln Square Gamble: If You Build It Will They Come?” (Jan. 4), Gary Rosenblatt dwells on Lincoln Square Synagogue’s economic woes and shrinking membership and quotes a City University sociology professor who concludes that unless LSS does everything right the odds are against its future success.

But this is what I see when I look at LSS: A dedicated congregation and outstanding clergy moving into a magnificent-by-anyone’s-standards new building with no mortgage to pay off in a neighborhood burgeoning with new apartment buildings; a contract with an exclusive caterer who has a proven record of excellence and who will provide a steady income stream; a spacious and bright third floor available for lease; 600 capital campaign donors from many parts of the world who have been touched by LSS and who enabled us to exceed our fundraising goal of $10 million; and an anonymous donor whose faith in the future of LSS  is legend and who simply would not let us fail.

Now hear this: We have no intention of doing so.

Chair, Capital Campaign Committee of LSS
