Israel is having its general election on January 22, in case you wonder and don’t happen to have Israeli friends who repetitively post obnoxious political statuses on Facebook.
The Israeli Election Committee wants everyone to vote, so they have been producing massive voting encouragement campaign, and has made it as far as reaching even the most apathetic demographic – Israeli hipsters.
Yes, Israeli hipsters do exist, and yes, they were cool before you knew about them (but they probably are a little less cool now because the government knows too).
The campaign video features a ridiculously hipstery couple (the girl looks like Garth Algar from “Wayne’s World” and the guy looks like a denim version of “Where is Waldo”) sitting at a Tel Aviv cafe and keeps complaining that only when coming back from Berlin (a very trendy destination for Israelis nowadays) you understand how much of a third, fourth of even fifth world Israel is. They are even complaining about the cafe offering Crème anglaise(?).
Suddenly the “Complaining (or Bitching) Police” pulls over, and the officer approaches the couple and asks them if they voted in the last election. The couple responds, “No way, in a country with one of the lowest video art budgets in the world?” and the officer gives them a ticket and tells them that their bitching right is revoked for four years.
The slogan: “Not voting? Don’t bitch!”
Only in Israel.
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