Israeli teen, Palestinian man injured in Hebron clashes

A Palestinian man and an Israeli teen were injured in clashes in Hebron.


JERUSALEM (JTA) — A Palestinian man and an Israeli teen were injured in clashes in Hebron.

An Israeli girl and a friend were hit by stones thrown by Palestinians as they walked home Tuesday night in a Hebron neighborhood near the Cave of the Patriarchs. The girl’s hand was broken in the attack.

Later, Jewish settlers confronted the alleged stone throwers, injuring one Palestinian man. He reportedly was treated in a nearby hospital. 

The clashes come  several days after Israeli Border Police were accused by Hebron settlers of choking a 9-year-old Jewish boy who was playing near the contested Machpela House, evacuated of Jewish settlers earlier this month, which is surrounded by a closed military zone.

The boy reportedly entered the zone and was grabbed by police. Two settlers who tried to free the boy from the police were arrested for attacking an officer. 

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