
EST 1917

Dan Shapiro, already performing miracles

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It’s not often you see the Zionist Organization of America saying that the Obama administration has made the "best possible choice."

It’s less often that the ZOA and Americans for Peace Now issue essentially the same press release.

Yet Dan Shapiro, the Middle East desk guy at the National Security Council, has accomplished this even before his nomination to be ambassador to Tel Aviv has been confirmed — in fact, it’s his very nomination that brought it about.

The ZOA’s Mort Klein:

During his recent work for President Obama, we have had disagreements about this administration’s policy toward Israel.  But Dan has always spoken to us, patiently and carefully explaining the administration’s position, and he does so with aplomb, with concern, and with intense appreciation of the other side’s position.  In addition, Dan is exceptionally bright and understands the facts surrounding the Arab war against Israel.

APN’s Debra DeLee:

Dan Shapiro is an excellent candidate for this important position. He knows Israel, knows the issues, feels strongly about the importance of a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and about the importance of peace for a secure and democratic Israel.

Debra, however, abjures references to "kvelling." (See below.) But why?

Full statements below the jump.



The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) welcomes the nomination of Daniel Shapiro as the United States Ambassador to Israel.  Shapiro is presently the National Security Council’s Senior Director for the Middle East and North Africa.  Prior to that, he served on the staffs of U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Bill Nelson (D-FL).  He also served on the National Security Council under President Bill Clinton.

ZOA President Morton A. Klein said, “I have known Dan since his days on Capitol Hill.  Although we did not always agree on every issue relating to Israel, one thing was always clear – Dan was deeply committed to Israel’s safety and security and strong U.S.-Israel relations.  He speaks fluent Hebrew, his beautiful daughters all have Hebrew names, and his parents would openly admit that they’re “kvelling!”

During his recent work for President Obama, we have had disagreements about this administration’s policy toward Israel.  But Dan has always spoken to us, patiently and carefully explaining the administration’s position, and he does so with aplomb, with concern, and with intense appreciation of the other side’s position.  In addition, Dan is exceptionally bright and understands the facts surrounding the Arab war against Israel.

I think that of all those candidates who have been considered for this position, Dan stands out as the best possible choice.  We look forward to Dan’s confirmation and to working closely with him in the future.


Americans for Peace Now (APN) today warmly welcomed President Barack Obama’s decision to nominate Daniel B. Shapiro to serve as the US Ambassador to Israel.
“Dan Shapiro is an excellent candidate for this important position. He knows Israel, knows the issues, feels strongly about the importance of a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and about the importance of peace for a secure and democratic Israel,” said Debra DeLee, APN’s president and CEO.
“Dan has the professional aptitude and the personal attitude needed to excel as ambassador to Israel. I hope that Congress will swiftly confirm his nomination and that the President will empower Dan to assertively serve America’s quest for Middle East peace,” DeLee said.

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