GOP Jewish group polls on Iran strike

A U.S. conservative group led by major Republican Jews is testing for reactions to a potential Israeli strike on Iran.


A U.S. conservative group led by major Republican Jews is testing for reactions to a potential Israeli strike on Iran.

FreedomsWatch recently tested three questions with a focus group of Americans, the liberal investigative journal Mother Jones reported Monday.

The questions, recalled by a focus group participant, were: “How would you feel if Hillary [Clinton] bombed Iran? How would you feel if George Bush bombed Iran? And how would you feel if Israel bombed Iran?”

Martin Focus Groups in Alexandria, Va., polled at least two such groups, the magazine reported.

FreedomsWatch was established over the summer to promote support for President Bush’s Iraq war policy. It is led by, among others, Bradley Blakeman, a former senior White House official; Ari Fleischer, the former White House spokesman; and Matt Brooks, the Republican Jewish Coalition’s executive director. Lead funders include Sheldon Adelson and Mel Sembler, two top Republican Party donors.

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