
EST 1917

Lillie Shultz Dead at 77

April 16, 1981
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

— Funeral services will be held here Friday for Lillie Shultz, a leading member of the Jewish Agency for Palestine in the negotiations leading to the United Nations recommendation for the partition of Palestine and a close colleague and co-worker with the Jewish Agency delegation to the UN, who died last Monday at the age of 77.

Ms. Shultz was a member of the staff of the American Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science and collaborated in the preparation of the memoirs of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Israel’s first President. She was a director of the Nation Associates, publishers of Nation magazine, and a member of its editorial staff. She also served as director of the American Jewish Congress and was a staff member in the 1930s of the Jewish telegraphic Agency.

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