
EST 1917

Mapam Movement Votes to Set Up New Kibbutz on Golan Heights

July 3, 1974
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Kibbutz Haartzi Council voted 200-100 last night to establish a kibbutz on the Golan Heights. The Mapam-backed kibbutz movement will set up the kibbutz at Geshor. During the meeting at Kibbutz Beth Zera, there was unanimous agreement that Israel should negotiate a border with Syria that would run through the Golan Heights. But those opposing the establishment of the kibbutz argued that settlements represent accomplished facts and contradict the movement’s contention of “no preconditions for negotiations.” Supporters of the decision led by veteran leader Yaacov Hazan said that the Yom Kippur War proved the essential need to settle the Golan so that the Golan settlements would be the defense line to safeguard the Hulah and Galilee settlements in Israel.

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