
EST 1917

Bikel Urges Jane Fonda to By-pass Palestinian Film Festival in Iraq

November 20, 1972
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Theodore Bikel urged actress and peace activist Jane Fonda not to attend a Palestinian film festival in Baghdad, because her presence “would most certainly be construed as endorsement of such obscenities as the Munich massacre.” “Variety” reported this week that Ms. Fonda had been invited to the “First World Festival on Palestine Films and Programs” scheduled for March, and that many of the films to be shown were “strongly anti-Israel.”

Bikel, first vice-president of Actors Equity, co-chairman of the national Governing Council of the American Jewish Congress and active in the peace movement, sent Ms. Fonda a wire yesterday asserting that the film festival slogan, “Liberation of Palestine is the Pillar for World Peace,” was a euphemism that ” ill disguises terror, arson, sabotage and murder of Jews. Your participation would most certainly be construed as endorsement of such obscenities as the Munich massacre,” Bikel said in his telegram. “In the name of Jews whose credentials In the peace movement should command your attention, I earnestly beg you not to give support to the murderers of our people.” He signed the wire as co-chairman of the Congress’ Governing Council.

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