
EST 1917

Yehuda Harry Levin, Israel Ambassador to Denmark, Dies at Age of 58

November 12, 1965
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Yehuda Harry Levin, Israeli Ambassador to Denmark since 1961, died here yesterday of a heart attack at the age of 58. A former counsellor in the Israel Embassy in Washington, the diplomat was born in South Africa and received his education at the University of South Africa and Oxford University in Britain, He settled in Palestine in 1927, and began a career as a news correspondent.

He served as assistant editor of the Palestine and Near East Economic Magazine, editor of the Palestine Weekly, Middle East correspondent for the Daily Herald of London, and as a war correspondent in World War II. He also served as a news commentator for the South African Broadcasting Corporation and for the BBC. He gave English-language broadcasts for the radio of Haganah, the pre-state underground Jewish army. He began his diplomatic career as Consul General of Israel to Australia and New Zealand in 1949.

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