
EST 1917

Rabbis, Women’s Groups Ask for Removal of Anti-israel Mural at Fair

May 7, 1964
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Hadassah, Pioneer Women and the New York Board of Rabbis today urged the World’s Fair Corporation, in separate statements, to remove an anti-Israel mural from the Jordan Pavilion.

Mrs. Siegfried Kramarsky, Hadassah president, made her appeal in an address at the World’s Fair in celebration of “Child’s Day for Youth Aliyah.” The event, proclaimed by Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, is under Joint auspices of Hadassah, Pioneer Women and the Mizrachi Women’s Organization of America. Mrs. Kramarsky told 500 representatives of the three organizations at the ceremony that it was “regrettable” that the World’s Fair Corporation “permitted so flagrant a violation” of the Fair theme. “Peace Through Understanding.”

Mrs. Blanche Fine, president of Pioneer Women, said the organization had sent a telegram to World’s Fair president Robert Moses, declaring that “Pioneer Women exhibiting in the American-Israeli Pavilion at the World’s Fair vehemently protest the use made of the Jordan Pavilion for propaganda which insults Israel and Jews throughout the world.”

Rabbi Max Schenk, president of the New York Board of Rabbis, said that a similar telegram had been sent to Mr. Moses, urging removal of the mural “which is calculated to stir up hostility towards the State of Israel, people of Israel and Jews of the entire world. “The Board said the mural violated “the spirit of the Fair and will bring neither peace nor understanding to those who will witness it.”

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