
EST 1917

Leading Americans Attend Funeral Services for George Sokolsky

December 17, 1962
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Funeral services for George Sokolsky, noted newspaper columnist who died this week-end at the age of 69 at his home here, were held in the Central Synagogue. The services were conducted by Rabbi David Seligson, assisted by Rabbi Joshua Goldberg, retired captain of Navy chaplains.

Honorary pallbearers included former President Hoover, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, General Douglas MacArthur, Federal Judge Irving R. Kaufman, Senator Everett Dirksen, (R.III.), Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, (D. Conn.), Sen. Barry Goldwater, (R. Ariz.), Mayor Wagner, Bernard M. Bsruch and others.

Born in Utica, N. Y., and raised in the Lower East Side of New York, Mr. Sokolsky, whose parents were religious Jews, studied at the Columbia School of Journalism, and held honorary degrees from Notre Dame and St. Bonaventure Universities and the University of Montana. He wrote numerous books, including a book, “We Jews.”

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