
EST 1917

Golda Meir Gets Enthusiastic Reception in Ghana; Will Stay 11 Days

March 7, 1958
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Israel’s Foreign Minister Golda Meir, the only foreign Cabinet member invited to participate in the official celebrations of Ghana’s first independence anniversary, was given an enthusiastic reception since Monday when she arrived for an eleven-day stay in this country.

Her days have been crowded with official and unofficial functions, including a meeting with Premier Nkrumah, a reception and a dinner by the Premier in her honor, and luncheon with Governor General Lord Listowel. Mrs. Meir is scheduled to confer again next week with Premier Nkrumah. Her itinerary includes visits to Ghanian villages and addresses to student groups, women’s clubs and other grass roots organizations.

She will leave here for the French Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Dakar. She came from a five-day visit to the Republic of Liberia where her stay took on the semblance of a triumphal tour. The warmth of her reception everywhere is interpreted as significant’ evidence of the successful promotion of Israel-West African friendship.

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