
EST 1917

Jews Evicted from Homes in Haifa As Collective Punishment for Blasting of Jeep

April 14, 1947
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

One hundred and ten Jews were today evicted ## their homes in the Hadar Hacarmel section of Haifa by the Palestine Government ## collective punishment for the blasting of a military jeep on a nearby road ten ## ago.

Jewish heads of various sections of Jerusalem and its suburbs were threaten ## by the local British district commissioner this week-end that they would be held ## ponsible for terrorist activity in their areas. They were also warned that if any ## British personnel were slain, the Jewish quarters would be placed under a severe ##few.Two Arab ice cream vendors were attacked and slightly injured by a number of ## yesterday near a sports stadium. The incident followed the killing Friday of Jew and the injuring of another by an Arab mob. The men, Asher and Isaac ##ovitz, who are brothers, accidentally entered an Arab mosque while seeking for a ##eet that would lead them to the Wailing Wall. Both were recent immigrants to ##estine and had come to Jerusalem for a holiday visit from Tel Aviv, their home.The Sternist underground radio today assumed responsibility for the assassion of a British constable last week and the wounding of another as “reprisal” ## the killing of a Jew and the wounding of a second by British soldiers. Guela##en, a Jewish woman sentenced to seven years imprisonment for serving as an an##ncer on a Sternist radio station, escaped from a government hospital here where ## was a prisoner. She had made one unsuccessful attempt to escape previously.

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