
EST 1917

Curfew Will Be Lifted Today in Tel Aviv; Quiet Prevails Throut Palestine

November 20, 1945
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The curfew proclaimed by the military authorities in Tel Aviv will be lifted begining tomorrow. Palestine is peaceful, with no new outbreaks reported from any part of the country, although a broadcast by the secret Jewish radio, which is believed to be operated by the Haganah, indicated that the Jews were not given up the struggle for their aims.

The broadcast, referring to the Acting High Commissioner’s decree providing the death penalty for arms bearing, said that ” every Jew will prefer to suffer the with penalty rather than leave his people without defense.” Citing the recent anti-Jewish riots in Tripoli, the speaker said that Jews knew what awaited them if they were defenseless.

Meanwhile, Acting High Commissioner Shaw indicated today that the Tel Aviv municipality would be held responsible for the estimated $800,000 damage incurred during the outbreaks there on Wednesday and Thursday. Following a visit yesterday to Tel Aviv, Shaw declared that ” it will have to be considered how to cover” the damage. He pointed out that the destroyed government offices in the city had been established for the benefit of the local population and that most of the employees were Jews.

The British destroyer Wenston anchored in Haifa late yesterday, at the same time that six Jewish refugees arrived there aboard a Danish vessel. About 100 refugees are expected here from Bulgaria on Thursday.

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