
EST 1917

Nazis Establish “judenrat” for Lithuanian Jews, Appoint Head for Slobodka Ghetto

September 30, 1942
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

German newspapers reaching here today carry a report that the Nazis have established a Judenrat in the ghetto of Slobodka, a suburb of Kovno, where all the Jews from Lithuania have been interned. A former Jewish official of the Lithuanian Commercial Bank of Kovno, named Chazan, has been appointed head of the Judenrat to be responsible to the occupational authorities for the residents of the ghetto, the report stated.

Newspapers from Hungary reaching here today report that 133 Jews have been arrested during the last week in Budapest on the charge of “disturbing the peace.” The report adds that “the police are engaged in eliminating all Jewish interests throughout the country.”

A new decree prepared, but not yet published, by the Vichy Government provides for the expulsion of all aliens who entered the unoccupied part of France since September 1, 1939, it was learned here today. The decree is not aimed only at Jews. It will so affect Czechs, Poles, Belgians and Dutchmen.

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