
EST 1917

Ban on Barter with Germany Asked by Boycott Conference

March 6, 1939
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A conference of 950 delegates representing more than 700 organizations in the metropolitan area under the auspices of the Joint Boycott Council at the Hotel Astor today recorded its opposition to “any barter or exchange scheme that may be projected to facilitate a flood of Nazi-made merchandise into this country.” It also called upon the Government to abrogate the cotton barter scheme “perpetrated by the Nazis in contravention of section 303 of the Tariff Act” and to impose countervailing duties on all such subsidized merchandise which “has and is being dumped on our shores by the Nazi government.”

The conference backed the council’s plan to extend the boycott into Latin America in order to meet the Nazi trade menace in those countries. It also went on record as opposing “any plan which would violate the Nazi boycott and would make of the refugees export agents for the Nazi regime.” Speakers included Dr. William Jay Schieffelin, chairman of the Volunteer Christian Committee to Boycott Nazi Germany; Dr. Joseph Tenenbaum, chairman of the Council; Freda Kirchway, editor of The Nation; Judge Nathan D. Perlman, acting president of the American Jewish Congress; Dr. Frank Bohn, Abraham Miller, Rabbi Louis I. Newman and Dr. Robert S. Marcus, who presided.

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