
EST 1917

550,000 More Must Leave Reich, Malcolm Tells League

September 6, 1938
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Another 550,000 Catholics, Legitimists and “non-Aryans,” #### will be obliged to leave the Greater Reich, declares Sir Neill Malcolm, League of Nations High Commissioner for German Refugees, in his report to the forthcoming session of the Assembly.

The report warns that private organizations are already finding it impossible to cope with the situation. It estimates that 30,000 refugees are still in countries adjacent to the Reich, half of them from Austria, from where a mass exodus was only prevented by the reintroduction of the visa system. The High commissioner, it is revealed, personally intervened during the year in behalf of 5,000 refugees to prevent their expulsion.

Sir Neill recommends that countries restricting refugees in working cooperate to permit them to “reconstitute” a sum to provide for their subsistence before their departure and also for the early days after their arrival in new countries. The report also asks withdrawal of reservations regarding the right to work by signatories to the intergovernmental Refugee Convention, announces that the United Kingdom will soon ratify the convention and recommends the institution of advisory committees on refugees in each country and also establishment of an advisory committee which would take over the work of the present liaison committee and represent all refugee-aid organizations.

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