
EST 1917

Gestapo Releases Daughter of Aged Vienna Rabbi; Held 5 Months

March 20, 1936
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Gestapo, Nazi secret State police, has released Miss Edith Taglicht, daughter of Dr. Israel Taglicht, a leading Vienna rabbi, after having held her for more than five months on charges of having written an anti-Nazi article, it was learned here today.

Miss Taglicht, a teacher in the schools of the Berlin Jewish Community, was arrested last Oct. 9 and taken to Moabit prison. She had resided in Germany for seven years.

Her seventy-four-year-old father obtained a promise from Cardinal Innitzer to intervene and then went to Berlin himself. On Oct. 16 the Austrian legation in Berlin stated it intended to obtain Miss Taglicht’s release.

Friends of the teacher said she had never written anti-Nazi articles and took no interest in politics.

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