
EST 1917

Critical Moments

April 1, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

This past week was perfect for the gentlemen who spend their evenings in theatres and their days wondering what to say about the plays they have seen. It was a perfect week because they neither had to spend any time in theatres nor say anything. I might have mentioned in the very first line that no new plays came to town last week and let it go at that, but I was afraid the shock would be too great.


Being nothing brand new to find fault with and being embued with the spirit of the Holidays it is perhaps fitting that a few kind words be scattered about concerning some of the theatrical and cinema attractions that you may have missed. First on your list should be “The Shattered Lamp,” the anti-Nazi play at the Maxine Elliott Theatre. You might even take the children. Exposed to the brutality of Hitlerism they will be less inclined to dismiss the trouble in Germany as something that cannot possibly affect them.

Next in line should be “The House of Rothschild” at the Astor with George Arliss in the leading role, Although the picture is a little heavy on the sentiment there is still much that is both impressive and exhilarating.

“Men In White” is another attraction that is worth visiting and if the spirit of the crusader is upon you there is “They Shall Not Die” at the Royale and “Yellow Jack” at the Martin Beck Theatre.

For your lighter moments I recommend “New Faces” and “She Loves Me Not” and if it is horror you want try “Tobacco Road.” By the way, the Circus is in town, but then, the children have probably told you that.


While school is out there will be time this week to take the youngsters to see the new Frank Buck picture “Wild Cargo” at the Music Hall. Mr. Buck is the fellow who goes off to the jungle, any jungle, and returns with boxes filled with all sorts of wild animals. His latest picture shows how Mr. Buck goes about the business of enticing wild beasts into cages.

Spring has come to the New York Paramount. In that sizeable house there is being shown a picture called “Melody in Spring” in which an ex-radio tenor, Lanny Ross, plays and sings the lead. Very sugary stuff but palatable. Charles Ruggles and Mary Boland supply the comedy relief and that team is always amusing. On the stage, George Raft, the boy with the menace appeal, may be seen and heard in person.

“Riptide” or “A Woman’s Conflicting Emotions,” starring Norma Shearer and Robert Montgomery, is the very serious offering at the Capitol. The main attraction however, is Paul Whiteman and his band.


“Peace On Earth” started a Broadway run yesterday at the 44th Street Theatre. The producers very cleverly sold all their interests in the play and will collect a royalty, if any. . . . When a revival of “The Mikado” opens at the Majestic tomorrow evening the cast will include William Dan forth, Hitzi Koyke, Roy Cropper, Vivian Hart, Herbert Waterous, Vera Ross, Allen Waterous and Laura Ferguson.


An attempt is being made, according to Jack Skurnick, to form and develop a movie group which will be to the cinema what the little theatre movement has been to the stage. This new group is desirous of making experimental flims. They need about $2,000 to get started and to that end they are holding tonight at 7:15 and 9:30 a performance of various films at the New School for Social Research, 66 West 12th street. The money collected will go to the fund. Among the pictures that will be shown are “Tabu,” a Walter Disney cartoon, Ralph Steiner’s “H-2-0” and “Bugs,” a Soviet animated picture.

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