
EST 1917

Abraham C. Ratshesky, Jewish Banker of Boston, Appointed Czecho-slovakian Minister

January 12, 1930
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Abraham C, Ratshesky, of Boston, was today named Minister to Czecho-Slovakia, by President Hoover. Mr. Ratshesky succeeds another Jew now occupying the Prague post, Lewis Einstein.

In the nomination of Mr. Ratshesky, President Hoover continues his policy of naming to diplomatic posts business men and executives. Mr. Ratshesky is a well-known figure in Massachusetts business, political and philanthropic circles. During the War he was assistant food administrator under Hoover.

Three terms in the Boston city council, two terms in the Massachusetts legislature, delegate to half a dozen Republican National Conventions, secretary to the Republican state committee and a general factor in Republican circles of the Bay State, is the new minister’s political career.

In the business world, Mr. Ratshesky was a former member of the Clearing House Association. He is now president of the U. S. Trust Company and the Armstrong Company, and formerly headed the Massachusetts Trust Company, of whose executive committee he is now a member. He was also appointed to the Metropolitan Planning Board.

Mr. Ratshesky has long been active in Jewish philanthropies in Boston, and for many years has served on the executive committee of the American

Jewish Committee. He is a former president of the Boston Federation of Jewish Charities and ex-vice-president of the Associated Charities of Boston. He was a commissioner in charge of the Halifax Relief Expedition in 1917 and is chairman of the Boston 300th Anniversary Commission in 1930. During the war he served as assistant executive manager of the Massachusetts Public Safety Commission.

This is the second diplomatic job that has gone to a Jew in the Hoover administration, Harry Guggenheim being recently named minister to Cuba.

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