
EST 1917

Einstein Manuscript on New Field Theory Published in Germany

February 1, 1929
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

At the price of 1 Mark, equivalent to 25 cents, Prof. Albert Einstein’s new book on his field theory, entitled: “Zur Einheitlichea Feldtheorie,” forming a pamphlet of six pages, is obtainable here today. It was published under the auspices of the Prussian Academy of Science.

The world-famous scientist’s present achievement is based on an extension of the theory of relativity and constitutes a most perfect fusion of mathematical laws of the gravity held and the electrodynamics field, bringing them into consonance with one another.

The New York press displays great interest in the publication of Prof. Einstein’s manuscript. The New York “Evening World” published Wednesday afternoon a radio photograph transmitted from Berlin via London to New York of the first page of the pamphlet. The “Herald Tribune” published a full text in translation of the treatise in its issue of January 31.

The London “Times,” cable despatches state, declares that it regards the new theory as the culmination of field physics initiated by Faraday Maxwell.

The American news agencies, the Associated Press, the United Press and the Universal Service, distributed extensive cable despatches from European capitals quoting eminent European and American scientists in elucidation of the new Einstein theory and its significance to the further development of scientific thought on the basis of the new conception furnished by the Jewish scientist.

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