
EST 1917

Lapowski, War Veteran, Dies in El Paso; Buried with Military Honors

February 24, 1928
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Daily Bulletin)

Military honors were accorded Col. Nathan Lapowski, 65, Spanish-American and World War veteran, uncle of Clarence Dillon of Dillon, Read and Company, New York, at funeral services held on Sunday.

Col. Lapowski died on Friday. The funeral was said to have been the largest in El Paso since that of former Mayor Dudley.

Service were held in Temple Mt. Sinai. The crowd which filled the temple and flowed out into the street, included Jew and Gentile.

The body was taken at 2 o’clock from the chapel of the Hartford company, where it had lain in state for two days and been viewed by thousands was accompanied by the Eighth Cavalry band and large delegations from the American Legion, Spanish-American Veterans and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Rabbi Martin Zielonka paid tribute to the record of Colonel Lapowski.

Honorary pallbearers were: Mayor R. E. Thomason, A. Schwartz, Dr. H. E. Stevenson, Charles Davis, A. B. Poe, Dr. J. B. Brady, G. P. Putnam, H. P. Jackson, Sam Blumenthal, Judge E. F. Higgins, Haymon Krupp and R. E. Sherman.

Colonel Lapowski was carried to his last resting place on an artillery caisson.

Burial was in Mt. Sinai cemetery, with full military honors. A military squad fired the last salute.

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