
EST 1917

Wm. Rosenwald to Marry Miss Scharf in Chicago

February 12, 1928
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Daily Bulletin)

William Rosenwald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenwald will be married to Miss Renee Scharf of Vienna on Sunday at the home of his parents here. Rabbi Louis L. Mann of Temple Sinai will perform the ceremony.

The wedding gift of Mr. Rosenwald to the young couple will be a check for $1,000,000. The presentation of a check of this size is a custom which Mr. Rosenwald has followed upon the marriage of his other children.

Miss Scharf is the daughter of the Viennese portrait painter, Victor Scharf, who is now engaged on a portrait of Mr. Rosenwald.

It was related here that young Rosenwald met his bride-to-be while traveling in South America. Although he was not traveling incognito, he might have been as far as Miss Scharf was concerned. The name “Rosenwald” meant as much to her as any other name. It was not until after they became engaged that William Rosenwald told her of his father’s great wealth and that he is worth $5,000,000 in his own name.

The couple is planning a honeymoon trip of three years in Europe.

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