
EST 1917

The J. D. B. News Letter

June 12, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(By Our Berlin Correspondent)

That the source and headquarters of the alleged “intemational conspiracy” of Jewish financiers is in America, is the charge being made in the anti-Semitic press of Germany.

Special attention is devoted by such papers as the “Weltkampf”, organ of the Voelkische group, to Clarence Dillon, head of Dillon, Read £ Co. of New York, who together with other Jewish bankers of America, is accused by the anti-Semites of being at the head of the world wide “conspiracy”.

Mr. Dillon, whom the Jew-baiting press regards as the man who controls Wall Street and as the greatest rival today of J. P. Morgan, was the subject of discussion in the Jewish press about a year ago in connection with a loan floated by his firm for Poland. It was then pointed out that he is of Jewish origin, his father, named Lapowski. originating from Lodz. In some quarters it was said that Mr. Dillon is a converted Jew. The “Lodzer Tageblatt” at that time carried the following item regarding Dillon’s origin:

“A well known Jewish citizen and philanthropis. who is a relative of Dillon’s has given us the following interesting facts.

“The name of Dillon’s father was Samuel Laponski. He was born in Wizna, near Lomza and came to Lodz, where he was employed in his father’s concern at the end of Constantin and Zachodni Streets. Samuel Lapowski’s father. Dillon’s grandfather, was Tehushia Lap and was the son. of Berel Lap in Wilna where he is still remembered today.

“Samuel Lapowski emigrated to America in 1876. It was there that Clarence (Clunimus), who is now a well known financier, was born. Dillon’s grandfather Jehushia Lap and his grandmother Pese Lap are buried in the cemetery of Lodz. Pesse Lap’s maiden name was Dillon. She was a daughter of Moshe Dillon.

“The reason why Clarence Lapowski changed his name to Dillon was as follows: Moshe Dillon’s father, Leizer Dillon of Nesficz was the chief provision agent for Czar Nicholas the First during the Sevastopol war. He rode out on the battle front with the Czar and there is a photograph showing him wearing a ‘shtreimel’ on his head, two rows of decorations bestowed on him by the Czar on his chest. This photozraph was in the possession of Dillon’s grandmother Lapowski in Lodz. On the request of Dillon’s uncle, Professor Boleslaw Lapowski. who wen the gratitude of Poland for his services on her behalf in America. the photograph it of Leizer Dillon was sent to him in America. When Clarence Lapowski saw the photograph it impressed him so much that be adopted the name Dillon.

“Clarence Dillon’s aunt. who still lives in Lodz. has an on elop factory on Podlunowa Street. Dillon also has a cousin in Lodz who is a well known attorney.

“When Dillon was in Lodz on a visit however. he refused to receive any of his relatives. He did not even pay a visit to the graves of his parents.”

The “Weltkampf” and other antiSemitic organs of course include Dillon in the international Jewish “conspiracy” and declare that in his lank and in the various banks under his control he employs Christian directors as a meral blind for his “conspirative” activities. Even Christian banks, where Jews are not to be found, are declared by the anti-Semitic organ to be secretly the tools of the Jewish “conspiacy.” Relating some of the big transactions put though by Dillon’s institution, foreign loans, etc., the “Weltkampi” concludes thus: “This is the story of a so-called ‘Christian’ banking firm, which through its bounden relations with Jewish high finance is contributing towards the crection of a state of financial slavery. Precisely the ‘Christian’ banks and the ‘Christian’ directors at the head of Jewish banks serve as a method of moral impunity for Jewish high finance. The Jew prefers to work in the dark, behind the scenes.”

A lengthy description of Dillon’s rise to his present position in the financial world is given in the “Voelkischer Beobachter.” another organ of the anti-Semites. This paper reveals some interesting facts regarding his career. Incidentally, the paper unintentionally throws light on what may well be one of the causses of Henry Ford’s and-Semitic campaign. The paper tells of a scramble that was made for the purchase of the Dodge motor stock afterthe death of the Dodge brothers. Among those who sought to gain control of the Dodge company were Henry Ford and J. P. Morgan. While the Dodge widows were considering the offers. Dillon proposed to pay them $140,000,000 cash, provided the ownership of the firm were turned over to him within ten minutes. The offer was accepted and Dillon put $180,000,000 of Dodge stock on the market and sold it. That was how he became the power he now is, being. according to the “Voelkischer Beobachter,” second only to Ford as a striking financial genius in America.

Other Jewish bankers of the United States have also been especially conspicuous in German anti-Semitic literature of late. In their effort to bolster up their charge of an international Jewish “conspiracy” the anti-Semitic papers here have been publishing descriptions of all American bankers bearing Jewish names, including in their lists many names of Jewish financiers whose connections with Jews and Jewish activities have local either pil or vary slight. Thus “Der WeItkampi” in one of its issures some time ago pullisied a long outbur-againt the Jewish bankers. classified in groups accoppting to country. under the general caption “The Organization of the Money Pirates.” The whole thing is written in such a manner as to create the aepression that there are now but ## at the helm of financial power thuighout the world.

Under the heading “America.” we find names of Jewish bankers noted for their activities in Jewish life, as well as names that have rarely, if ever. been heard of in Jewish eireles. Here are some of those enumerated by the “Weltkampt” and charged with being members of a world-wide conspiracy to gain supreme power and undermine Christendom: Speyer £ Co. J. £ W. Seligmann £ Co. Goldman. Sachs £ Co. Hallgarten £ Co. Mortimer L., Schiff. Otto H. Kahn. Luotard Freres. Ladenburg. Thalman £ Co. Knauth. Nachod £ Kubne. Lewisohn £ Sons. Guggenheim Brothers. Bernard M. Baruch, Samuel Untermyer. Eugene Meyer. Jr. S. W. Straus. Joffes (San Erancisco). Stoss. Levy-Gerstle (Sacramen to). Hellman Bank. Newmarks (Los Angeles). The Warburg Brothers, Paul and Felix, are also included.

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