
EST 1917

Pilsudski Coup D’etat May Bring Dictatorship in the Polish Republic

May 14, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Mobilization of the Republic’s military forces was ordered by the Witos government following the mutiny in the military camp at Rembertow, in the vicinity of Warsaw, which developed into a coup d’etat under the leadership of Marshal Jozef Pilsudski, the first head of the resurrected Polish Republic. Minor disturbances took place in this city of Wednesday, but in general quiet prevailed.

At this moment there is no certainty as to how the conflict between Pilsudski, the first and only marshal of the Polish army, backed by the Polish Socialist Party (P.P.S.) and other liberal elements. and the Witos government, backed by the moderate Peasant’s Party and the Right groups, will develop. It has been stated on good authority that the coup d’etat was the outcome of a long dormant conflict of forces within the governing circles of Poland.

Following the resignation of the Skrzynski government and the failure of Former Prime Minister Grabski to win the sympathy of the Pilsudski followers for the formation of a new government and the composition of the Witos government consisting of a centrum and Right combination, the possibilities of an attack with an ultimate view to establishing a dictatorship was imminent from either the Right or Left.

Both the fascisti and monarchist elements who dream of instituting a monarchistic form of government, as well as the Left and liberal elements, who consider Pilsudski the national hero, seemed to be united in the opinion that only the “strong hand” of a dictator would help the Republic out of its financial and economic troubles.

The reentry of Pilsudski, who declined to run for president in the election of 1922, remaining until recently in retirement, began in recent months, when his conflicts with the Grabski government took on a sharper form, particularly with regard to the administration of the army. Conflicts within the army, of which Pilsudski is marshal, and between Pilsudski and the Minister of War, Zeligowski, came up daily.

The Jewish population in the Republic, contrary to the tactics of the Polish nationalistic parties, highly regards Pilsudski who ranked high in the work toward rebuilding the Republic, both during the war and following his assumption of the office of chief of state. On the other hand, it is recalled that during the Pilsudski regime and the first socialistic government created immediately upon his assumption of office, the wrath of the anti-Semitic and nationalistic parties sought an outlet on the Jewish population when the greatest number of violences and excesses were committed against the Jews.

Prior to the coup d’etat. Wincenty Witos conferred with representatives of the Club of Jewish Deputies with a view of winning the Club’s support for his cabinet. Leaders of the Club submitted their postulates declaring that it’s attitude toward the new government will be dependent upon the fulfillment of the demands of the Jewish population. The leaders of the Club also expressed opposition to the inclusion in the cabinet of Stanislaw Grabski who was responsible for the numerus clausus, as Minister of Education, and General Sosnokowsky, who issued anti-Jewish articles when he was Minister of War. Witos promised to consider the postulates of the Club of Jewish Deputies and had arranged to meet the leaders again.

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