
EST 1917

Maxa Nordau Gives First Lecture in New York

February 14, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Mlle. Maxa Nordau, the distinguished French artist, and daughter of the late Dr. Max Nordau, internationally celebrated philosopher and author, arrived in New York on the S.S. Paris.

Mlle. Nordau has come to this country for a lecture tour and an art exhibit. She will visit all the principal cities of America. Her art exhibit is to be held in New York, beginning March 1, at The New Gallery, under the auspices of Mr. George S. Hellman, New York’s foremost art critic.

Mlle. Nordau lectured in Town Hall last night. Her subject was “Reminiscences of My Father.”

Vladimir Jabotinsky, leader of the Zionist Revisionists, who left New York to lecture in Canada, sent a letter of greeting to Mlle. Nordau.

“Your father’s spirit may be proud of his daughter not only in your loyalty but also in your own personality.” Mr. Jabotinsky wrote. “You have inherited a great deal of that sober analytical sharpness, that humorous contempt of cant and ‘bunk,’ that clear perception of the main thing as distinct from sparkling or noisy trivialities, which were among your father’s charms; and you temper all this by a gentle feminine mentality. America will listen to Nordau’s message through the medium of an intelligent messenger.”

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