Moshe Feiglin leaving Likud

Feiglin, a major supporter of building in Jewish settlements and Jews praying on the Temple Mount, failed to secure a realistic spot on the candidates’ list for upcoming elections.


JERUSALEM (JTA) — Moshe Feiglin said he is quitting the Likud Party after failing to secure a realistic spot on the candidates’ list for the March elections.

Feiglin, a Likud member since 2005 and a Knesset lawmaker since 2013, finished 36th on the Likud list in voting held by party members last week. The latest polls show the party earning some 25 slots in the revamped Knesset. Likud now has 18 spots in a combined list with Yisrael Beiteinu.

He reportedly was pushed out by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who heads Likud, and his supporters.

“Netanyahu targeted me, but I do not harbor any resentment towards the prime minister,” Feiglin said Monday evening at a meeting of his Jewish Leadership faction.

Feiglin, a major supporter of building in Jewish settlements and Jews praying on the Temple Mount, said he will form a political movement that “aligns itself with Jewish ideals, and hopefully lead.” The new party likely will not run in the March national elections.

Several other political parties have offered spots, he told his supporters, which would enable him to run for the new Knesset. Feiglin said he was “considering all options.”

Also on Monday night at a meeting to present the Likud slate, Netanyahu said that if he is reelected as prime minister, he will propose legislation within the first 100 days of his new term that would require the head of the largest party to form the new government. Under the current system, the party head who has the most recommendations from other party chiefs to form the government gets the nod.

Observers say the proposal could lead to more stable governments that would serve out their full terms.

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