
EST 1917

Lichtenstein Gives Sculpture to Israel in Memory of Rabin

February 26, 1997
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The artist Roy Lichtenstein has donated one of his sculptures to Jerusalem’s Israel Museum in memory of slain Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

The modern steel sculpture, which will be unveiled Sunday in the presence of the Rabin family, will stand in Daniel Park, in the Jerusalem municipality complex.

Lichtenstein, 73, was one of the founders of the 1960s Pop Art movement.

Known as “Modern Head,” the 10-yard-high sculpture depicts two simplified heads in profile, combined with other abstract shapes often seen in Lichtenstein’s paintings.

According to Suzanne Landau, curator of the Israel Museum’s Collection of Modern Art, “This sculpture is very special. It uses the vocabulary of painting as if it were a drawing in space.”

The sculpture, which was donated jointly by Lichtenstein and art dealer Jeffrey Loria, is said to be worth $2.5 million.

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