
EST 1917

10 Appointed to Holocaust Council

January 26, 1989
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

President Reagan, in one of his last acts before leaving office, named 10 new members to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council and reappointed three others, all to five-year terms.

The council, which is made up of 55 persons appointed by the president and 10 members of Congress, is the governing board for the U.S. Holocaust Museum being built near the Washington Monument.

Those reappointed to the council are Benjamin Meed, New York, a Holocaust survivor and president of the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors; Dr. Hadassah Rosensaft, New York, a Holocaust survivors and lecturer and author on the Holocaust; and Edward Rosen, chairman of Raymond Rosen Co., Conshocken, Pa.

Among the new members appointed to the council are William Brock III, who was Labor Secretary in the Reagan administration and is a former Republican senator from Tennessee, and Alan Kranowitz, who was Reagan’s assistant for legislative affairs.

The other new members are Marshall Ezralow, president of Marshall Ezralow & Associates, Reseda, Calif; Louis Kestenbaum, board chairman of Americorp Equities, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Arie Kopelman, president and chief operating officer of Chanel Inc., New York.

Also, Michael Moskow, vice president of Premark International, Deerfield, Ill.; and Sanford Sigoloff, chairman, president and chief executive officer of the Wickes Companies, Santa Monica, Calif.

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