
EST 1917

Dr. Israel M. Biderman Dies at 60

April 20, 1973
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Dr. Israel M. Biderman, director of the Youth and Education Department of the Jewish National Fund of America, died this morning at the age of 60. Funeral services will be Sunday, 11 a.m. at the Gramercy Chapel, Second Avenue and 10th Street.

Born in Wloclawek, Poland, Dr. Biderman was a prominent writer and author on Jewish historical subjects and since childhood, was associated with the Zionist movement. He spent the years of World War II in Russia. After the war he was engaged in rebuilding Jewish cultural and educational institutions in Poland. He served as general secretary of the Kehilot–Union of Jewish Religious Congregations of Poland.

Dr. Biderman arrived in the U.S. in 1950, and served as consultant to the Jewish Education Committee in New York. In 1958 he joined the Jewish National Fund. Dr. Biderman earned his doctorate in philosophy at New York University. He was the president of the New York Region of the Farband-LZO; Administrative Committee member of the American Section of the World Jewish Congress, of the World Congress of Jewish Culture and of the World Councils of Brith Ivrit Olamit and Ichud Olami.

At the last Zionist Congress, he was elected Deputy Member of the World Zionist Actions Committee. His studies and articles appeared in Hadoar, Zukunft, Bitzaron, Jewish Daily Forward, Day-Morning Journal, and Yiddishe Kempfer.

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