
EST 1917

ADL Holds Event in $5,523,900 Campaign; Ford Vice-president Gets Award

December 14, 1967
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

John S. Bugas of Detroit, a vice-president of the Ford Motor Company, was presented tonight with the Anti-Defamation League’s Human Relations Award “for a life-time of service in the field of human rights.” The award was made by Max Fisher, of Detroit.

Senator Walter F. Mondale, Minnesota Democrat, was one of the speakers at an ADL dinner tonight for the benefit of the League’s appeal, which is engaged in a nationwide campaign to raise $5,523,900 to support the League’s 10-point program of research, education, community relations and civil rights.

Dore Schary, national chairman of the B’nai B’rith ADL, presided; and Armund Schoen, of Chicago, was chairman of dinner arrangements. Co-chairmen were Marvin Slomack, president of the Ford Dealers Association of New York City; and Alfred A. May, of Detroit.

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