
EST 1917

Group of Jewish Members of John Birch Society Form Organisation

February 18, 1966
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Two Jews, who said they are members of the John Birch Society, announced here today that they are forming a new organization, called the Jewish Society of Americanist. The men are Samuel Blumenfeld an employe of the John Birch Society, in Boston; and Alan Stang, of New York, author of a book linking the civil rights movement with Communism.

They issued a statement of principles declaring that the society’s aim will be “to demonstrate to our fellow Americans and coreligionist that the Americanist principles, beliefs and aims of the John Birch Society are based on the very precepts of Judaism.”

At a news conference they said that, since an announcement two weeks ago in a Birch Society publication that the Jewish group would be formed, “several hundred” Jews around the country have endorsed the move. Mr. Stang, declaring the title of the society a “misnomer, ” said the group will admit not only non-Jews but also non-members of the John Birch Society.

Thomas J. Davis, public relations manager for Eastern United States of the John Birch Society, claimed there are 1,000 Jews in the USA among the society’s 100,000 members. Listed among the officers of the new group are Michael S. Kogan, chairman; Mr. Blunmenfeld, vice-chairman; and W.C. Solomon, executive secretary. None of them is known in Jewish public life.

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