
EST 1917

Joel Brand Buried in Israel; Shazar and Eshkol Represented at Ceremony

July 23, 1964
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

More than 800 mourners attended the burial today of Joel Brand, the one-time Hungarian Jew chosen by Adolf Eichmann for the weird and abortive Nazi proposal to trade 1,000,000 doomed Hungarian Jews for 10,000 trucks in the last months of World War II.

President Shazar was represented at the burial ceremony by his aide, Col. Arieh Baz and Premier Eshkol by Teddy Kollek, Director-General of the Premier’s office. Police Minister Behor Shitreet came personally. Mr. Brand died in West Germany last week during a visit. Dr. Gideon Hausner, former Israeli attorney general and prosecutor of Eichmann, delivered the eulogy.

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