
EST 1917

U.S. Not Bowing to Arabs at United Nations on Refugee Issue

December 3, 1957
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The United States delegation here made it clear today to the delegations of Arab countries that it will not bow to their insistence on a “tough” resolution on Israel in reference to the problem of the Palestine Arab refugees. This was indicated to the Arab representatives by Genoa S. Washington, U.S. representative on the special political committee of the United Nations General Assembly. Mr. Washington also conferred today with members of the Israeli delegation on the Arab refugee question.

The U.S. delegation has prepared a draft resolution dealing with the Arab refugee issue. The resolution said to be mild–on the whole–on the basic issues of the Arab refugee problem, was to have been presented to the special political committee this afternoon. However, the Arab delegations, after learning of the unbending American opposition to “tough” recommendations against Israel, indicated that they would like to consult their governments. Whereupon the presentation of the U.S. draft resolution was postponed.

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