
EST 1917

Lewis Browne, Author on Jewish Subjects, Dies by His Own Hand in California; Was 51

January 5, 1949
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Lewis Browne, well-known author and lecturer on Jewish subjects who gave up the rabbinate to devote himself to writing, died by his own hand here yesterday at the age of 51. Mr. Browne, who had been suffering from an eye ailment, left a note expressing regrets at “what I am about to do.” Police listed the death as an apparent suicide by poison.

A graduate of Hebrew Union College, he served in pulpits in Waterbury, Conn., and Newark, N.J., before leaving the ministry. Among Ms best-known works are “Why Jews Are Like That,” “The Wisdom of Israel” and “How Odd of God.” Mr. Browne was bar in London and was brought to the United States at the age of 13.

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