
EST 1917

Britain to Launch Inquiry into Massacre of Jews in Aden; Sends Special Commission

February 20, 1948
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

An official inquiry into the anti-Jewish riots in the British protectorate of Aden, on the Arabian Peninsula, in which at least 76 Jews lost their lives and over a hundred others were injured, will be launched within a week, Lt. Col. David Rees-Williams, Under Secretary for Colonies, announced in the House of Commons.

He stated that Sir Harry Trusted, former Chief Justice of the Federated Malay States, will head the commission of inquiry. The investigation will be held in the presence of representatives of all interested parties, although Trusted is empowered to hold any part of the hearings in camera, if he believes it necessary. The massacre took place last December, after the U.N. partition decision.

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