
EST 1917

Charge Jewish National Fund Tract in Palestine Named in Honor of Israel Goldstein

July 25, 1947
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

More than 1,000 acres of Jewish National Fund land were today named “Chevel Goldstein” in honor of Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of (##) United Palestine Appeal in the United States.

At a dedication ceremony presided over by Rabbi Meir Berlin, Mizrachi leader, Goldstein, who is now visiting Palestine, was presented with an engraved scroll liking the giving of his name to the large tract, which is situated between Gaza ## Lachish. Two settlements have already been established on the site and others all soon be founded.

Addressing the ceremony, Dr. Goldstein proposed a “five-year plan” for the wish people during which 1,000,000 dunams of land would be purchased here and 1,000,000 immigrants resettled. Discussing events of the past week, he said that if the Mandatory thinks by sending back ships it will deter future attempts by Jews enter their national home, it is miscalculating the driving force of the Jewish all to live.”

He said that the U.P.A. expects to transmit $50,000,000 to Palestine this year ##d also will send men “to participate in the restoration of the Jewish state.”

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