
EST 1917

Largest Ship Ever to Run British Blockade Seized off Palestine with 4,554 Jews Aboard

July 18, 1947
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The "Exodus 1947," which left the French Mediterranean port of Cette last Friday as the President Garfield, bound for Colombia, has been intercepted off Palestine with 4,554 visaless Jews aboard.

The vessel was sighted by reconnaissance planes early this afternoon and a British flotilla put out to sea to intercept it. Five destroyers and one cruiser (##) trailing the ship, which is still a considerable distance from Palestine, and will seize it when Palestine territorial waters are reached.

The blockade runner has been in radio communication with the Haganah station (##). It is the largest vessel to have attempted to run the British blockade. Nineteen hundred of the passengers are men, 1,282 women, 1,017 youths and 655 children, including many infants.

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