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Gen. Morgan Says 100,000 Displaced Jews Could Be Transported to Palestine in One Month

April 10, 1946
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Lt. Gen. Sir Frederick E. Morgan, UNRRA director in Germany, today told the Anglo-American inquiry committee, which is now preparing its report in Lausanne, that all the 100,000 displaced Jews in Europe could be transported to Palestine within one month, it was learned here.

All indications point to the fact that the members of the inquiry committee are dividing their report into two parts. One part deals with the interim solution of the Palestine problem, while the second concerns the long-range solution.

On the recommendations for dealing with the immediate problems, there seems to be no differences of opinion among the members, except that the American members want to have all displaced Jews admitted to Palestine by the end of the year, while the British want to spread out the 100,000 over a period of years. Essentially there is some agreement among all the members on the necessity of abrogating the White Paper restrictions on Jewish immigration and land purchase.

There are serious differences however, with regard to the long-range solution of the Palestine problem, with the following three plans under consideration: 1. Re-Affirmation of the Palestine Mandate: 2. Proclamation of Palestine as a bi-national state of Jews and Arabs; 3. Partitioning of Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states. While only a minority of the committee is at present in favor of partition, the possibility of favorable action on this proposal is not excluded, it is believed by interested circles here.

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