
EST 1917

Final Results of Palestine Elections Announced; Laborite Groups Form Majority

August 10, 1944
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The tabulation of the final results of the elections held in Palestine for the Assefath Hanivcharim, the Jewish National Assembly, made public today, show 200,881 persons participated in the voting, which is more than seventy percent of all those eligible to vote.

Eighty percent of the newly elected members to the Assefath Hanivcharim are supporters of the Biltmore Declaration which demands the establishment of Palestine as a Jewish Commonwealth after the war. The various Laborite groups will always be in a position to form a combined majority in the Assefath Hanivcharim under the new composition of the Assembly which is the supreme Jewish body in Palestine.

The final results of the elections give the Jewish Labor Party, Mapai, 64 seats; the Hashomer Hatzoir and the Left Front 21 seats; the Labor Unity Movement, which is the opposition group within the Mapai, 16 seats, the orthodox laborites Eapoel Hamizrachi, 17 seats; the Communists 3 seats, the General Zionists, group “A” 7 seats; Mizrachi 7 seats; Aliyah Chadasha 19 seats; the Women’s Zionist Organization 4 seats; the Maccabi 3 seats. The remainder of seats are scattered between smaller groups. The Zionist-Revisionist Party, the Sephardic Jews, the General Zionist Group “B” and the Jewish farmers Association will not be represented at the Assefath Hanivcharim since they boycotted the elections.

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