
EST 1917

Nazi Authorities Dissolve Judenrat and Jewish Police in Warsaw Ghetto

August 23, 1942
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Nazi authorities in occupied Poland have dissolved the Jewish Council in the Warsaw ghetto and have instead appointed a Nazi official to supervise Jewish affairs, it was reported here today by officials of the Polish Government-in-Exile.

The dissolution of the Jewish representative body followed the death of L.M. Cherniak, president of the Jewish Council, who committed suicide rather than comply with the order of the Nazi authorities to submit a list of 100,000 Jews for deportation from the Warsaw ghetto.

The Jewish police force in the ghetto has similarly been liquidated, the report received here by the Polish Government revealed. The functions of the Jewish police have been transferred to Ukrainians and Lithuanians who now perform police duties in the Warsaw ghetto under Gestapo control.

Another report reaching Polish official circles here states that the police throughout Nazi-held Poland have received orders from the Nazi authorities to shoot without warning any Jew disobeying the curfew regulations. Eight Jews who cooperated with Polish peasants in derailing a German military train which was proceeding to the Russian front were executed in the city of Bialystok, the report said. Thirty German soldiers are reported to have lost their lives as a result of the derailment.

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