
EST 1917

Jewish Influence in America is Attacked by Der Stuermer

September 20, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The evil influence of the Jews on the life of the United States is described in a special dispatch to Julius Streicher’s Der Stuermer from its New York correspondent.

The correspondent quotes an alleged statement of Benjamin Franklin admonishing his compatriots to beware of the Jews lest they dominate and ruin the United States within two hundred years.

The high percentage of Jews in influential positions in the United States is cited as substantiation of “Franklin’s prophecy.” According to the Stuermer, the Jews, who represent four per cent. of the population, control sixty-five per cent. of all industrial enterprises, ninety per cent. of all newspapers and periodicals and ninety-five per cent. of all theatres, cinemas and radio broadcasting companies.

The correspondent finds that seventy-four per cent. of all “war millionaires” in New York are Jewish. This he ascribes to the supervision of Bernard Baruch over 247 branches of industry during the World War.


Louis T. McFadden is lauded as one of the few ‘Congressmen fearless enough to talk openly against the Jews. McFadden is quoted as accusing the government of handing over American finance to the Jews.

Pelley’s Silver Shirts come in for warm sympathy at the hands of the Stuermer’s correspondent. He finds it quite natural that the Jews, who own all newspapers and news-agencies, should do their best to impede the circulation of Liberation, Silver Shirt organ.

“Jewish tricks” are blamed for the padlocking of Pelley’s headquarters in Asheville, North Carolina, last April 14, and the correspondent regards it as “remarkable” that the only New York paper to record the event the following Monday was the Jewish Daily Bulletin.


The correspondent lists the principal persons fighting the Silver Shirts. They are the “Jewish immigration commissioner” Dickstein, Mr. Untermyer and Rabbi Wise who are credited with the ability to enlist the support of officials, the press and the broadcasting stations against the Silver Shirts.

The news that the America Jews have introduced a bill into Congress prohibiting all naturalized United States citizens from mentioning the racial problem is offered to the Stuermer’s readers.

The correspondent is of the opinion that, owing to the strong subterranean current of anti-Semitism in the United States, “an elementary eruption of purely Arvan ideology is only a question of time.”

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