
EST 1917

Latvian Nazi Paper Urges Expulsion of Correspondent

November 22, 1933
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The anti-Semitic Latvian newspaper, Lattvis, continues to agitate for the expulsion of Jacob Lestchinsky, correspondent of the New York Jewish Daily Forward, from Latvia on the ground that he has been spreading atrocity propaganda against Latvia.

It also demands the expulsion of Daniel Charney, brother of the American Jewish writer, Samuel Niger, and of B. C. Vladeck, manager of the Forward. Mr. Charney arrived in Riga from Berlin last week. He proposes to settle in Riga.

Lestchinsky was expelled from Germany by the Nazis last spring. According to the Riga Nazi paper, the Rundschau, he was ordered by the Latvian Minister of the Interior to leave the country on November 4, but the order was later modified.

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