
EST 1917

Charges Nazis Here Using Threats to Halt Production of “mad Dog of Europe”

October 23, 1933
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Charging that an attempt is being made to stop the production of the cinema, “The Mad Dog of Europe” by intimidating the Hays organization and other producers, Al Rose, a Hollywood arts representative and spokesman for the March of Time Productions, in an interview with a representative of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, said he bitterly resents the interference of Reich officials.

“I have it on good authority,” said Mr. Ross, “that the Hays organization was approached by representatives of Dr. Luther and of Dr. Gyssling of Los Angeles to use its influence with the producers in Hollywood to make me stop the production of ‘The Mad Dog of Europe’. But I shall go ahead nevertheless.”

“The German officials have intimated that the property of the large Hollywood producers in Germany would be confiscated and further American pictures would not be imported into Germany,” continued Mr. Rose, “unless they use their influence and pressure upon me to make me withdraw this film. Most of these large producers are Jewish firms, and they call themselves Jews.

“This picture, with the shots of actual scenes taken in Germany on the day of the Jewish boycott, and with authenticated and authoritative representation of the oppression, and cruelty of the Nazis against the Jews and other minority races, and unpopular political parties and religions, will visualize to the world what is actually being done.

“They say that if my picture is produced, the Jews in Germany will be harmed. Any normally informed American knows that the Jews in Germany have suffered exile, imprisonment, brutality, denial of the privilege of earning their living, and are not infrequently executed. Could a race thus outraged be inflicted with newer or greater outrages? The press is full of the stories of Nazi brutality. Have these organs created any greater outrage upon the German Jews by printing these stories? Then why should they object when we are going to visualize the actual scenes before the American public?

“Without having seen the manuscript; without, indeed, having asked to see it, friends and adherents of Hitler have accused me of vicious intentions. However, it strikes me that the loyal Hitlerites insult their leader by their objections to the picture. By their objections they acknowledge that a filmed record of the German Chancellor’s career is a record of shame. That is there insistence, not mine.

“Biographies are lives, not written, and if the Chancellor’s followers in America do not like our story, let them address their protests to Adolf Hitler. He is the author.”

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